except for toll admin fee ( hidden cost), all was excellent as expected.
Revisados: Dom, 31 Mar 2019
Acerca de ACE Rental Cars:10.0/10
Since last time, when I rented ACe car, there has been a change to the toll fee payment system : while previously it allowed to pay it myself ( via Linkd), which was easy, straightforward and cheap, current system supposedly does not allow any other option but whether to pay flat fee 15 Aud daily for the length of car rental ( which for 5 days is 75 Aud0, or so called admin fee at about 38.50 Aud 9 not sure what costs so much to just register the car?//0 plus the actual fee ( which - driving to Canberra, for example is twice 4 AUD), altogether the cost is 46.50 AUD to pay toll of 8 Aud driving car to Canberra. This is just hidden cost, and it would be just fair to see, why the admin fee is so extortionately high ( what is so difficult to register the car? with Linkd it is easy via app on the phone and takes 2 minutes, no more).
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except for toll admin fee ( hidden cost), all was excellent as expected.