When I rented a car on the Zuzuche website, I carefully read the site’s introduction and knew that the store would try to sell additional insurance. My English isn't very good, but the store’s service attitude was alright. Before signing the contract, the agent showed me an explanation about the extra insurance, which included a Chinese translation. However, the translation was done directly from English, and frankly, even as a native Chinese speaker, I couldn’t understand it. I asked the service agent if it was mandatory; he said yes, so I agreed. Then he printed out a contract for me to sign, and I realized it included the additional insurances mentioned on the Zuzuche website, which I originally didn’t want to buy. I told him I didn’t want any extra insurance, so he had to print a new contract for me. I booked a Chevrolet but got a Buick Excelle, similar to the car I drive at home, so it was easy to handle. However, being the first time driving abroad, I was a bit nervous. I drove around the airport area for a while, and after a few days, I felt that driving in Canada is mostly similar to driving at home. But it’s crucial to stop at intersections with a 'STOP' sign, regardless of whether there are vehicles or pedestrians. At intersections without traffic lights, you must follow the zipper merging rule. This is very important. One day, in a hurry to drop my child at school, I followed the car ahead too closely and almost crashed into a car coming from the perpendicular direction.
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