I initially thought that for a short two-day stay and not too far distance, getting the cheapest car would be fine. However, our flight was delayed by 20 minutes, and they asked us to pay a 50 NZD overtime fee for their employee, which is roughly 250 RMB. They also said if we don't pay, we’d have to collect the car the next day. Upon arrival, they demanded a 500 NZD deposit, although the contract stated 1000 NZD. Unlike other companies, they don’t have their own counter and parking spaces at the airport. Instead, they have a lot about 5-6 kilometers away, and they’d shuttle you there only if you contact them in advance. These hidden terms made the overall cost higher than a big rental company. From now on, I will not choose a small rental company just based on price. The car's condition was terrible, and it’s lucky we didn’t face any issues. On a positive note, the staff were friendly and were mainly young Chinese.
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