I'm completely speechless about the car rental company's customer service this time. 1. Normally, car rental refunds take about 10 days, but they said it takes one to two months, which they claim is normal. 2. When I bought insurance, local insurance was over 400, while the rental company's insurance was less than 200. Of course, I chose their insurance. However, when I got there, local insurance was only a bit over 200, and when I hit a kangaroo and the accident was my fault, the company's insurance wouldn't cover it, while the local insurance would. So, I ended up paying for all the damages despite having full coverage from the rental company. They just told me over the phone that they wouldn't cover it and never contacted me again or communicated with the local rental company. Because I didn't have local insurance, the rental company insisted on towing the car back, charging me towing fees, additional fees for not refueling due to the towing, and service fees. My car had no issues, even the police confirmed it. I paid for the other driver's damages, but the rental company wouldn't refund me for the days the car wasn't driven. They claimed local laws allowed this, but when I asked them to show me the law, they went silent and handled nothing. I had to resolve everything directly with the rental company. Between the rental company and their insurance, I felt completely scammed.
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