I knew fuel in Europe was expensive at 14 RMB per liter, so I booked a Toyota Corolla Hybrid, which I was familiar with and had rented before, giving a mileage of 5 liters per 100 km. When I arrived at the store, after confirming the contract and deducting the deposit, the staff told me they did not have the model I booked and offered me a large diesel car instead. I refused, and they said they did not have any Toyota cars at all. I asked why they had me sign the contract and deducted my payment if they didn’t have the car. They finally gave me a Hyundai SUV with a 2.0-liter engine, which I didn't want as a 1.6-liter is sufficient for my wife and me. The larger engine consumed more fuel, and parking spaces in Europe are small. If not for booking a hybrid, I wouldn’t have considered this company. I wanted to cancel the order but was told by the rental platform that the SUV was also a hybrid, and they had no other cars available. I argued that hybrids should be matched with hybrids and engine capacity should be similar. The staff handling my rental was more interested in getting off work at 6 PM and left us at the counter when it was time for their dinner break. Eventually, I confirmed with the store manager and the rental platform that the SUV was a hybrid, and I had no choice but to accept it. The deposit was 2600 EUR if no insurance was bought. Returning the car was quick, and the return process was managed by different staff at a separate counter. The process was reasonable. After issuing a return receipt, I asked when the 2600 EUR deposit would be refunded. They said immediately, but I guessed it would take about 30 days.
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