Counter person was nice and asked me if I wanted insurance I said no(it was on my paperwork as well)
She had me initial all the no's)
went to the next step got in the car started driving made it to the first stop looked at my envelope that the counter girl gave me and she'd typed in ACCEPTED for a $25 per day insurance add on.
I called and waited for 15 minutes to get a representative only for her to say 'you'll have to drive back to the airport to have them change this" I explained I was in route to an event miles from there, and I'd like to speak to her supervisor...she put me on hold and I waited 19 minutes before I hung up. Called again when I had a rest stop and got another agent that said I had to send in a claim to the headquarters?
He gave me a case number.
I took back the car at the end of my rental and explained to the return clerk what happened and within 30 seconds the fee was taken off. Almost an hour of unnerving and frustrating time spent. Seems like a common sense answer was ''sure, we'll handle this' ...Of course along with answering the phone after 3 - 4 rings.
Suggestion, take them off your list...
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Will use another service.