Good rental car experience for quick tour of the California coast
Estados Unidos
Revisados: Jue, 26 Sep 2019
Acerca de FOX RENT A CAR:8.7/10
The push for additional insurance and signing blindly on an electronic keypad multiple times was worrisome. Charging of a deposit to my credit card and then refunding later seemed odd and also caused some worry as to whether it would be a hassle to get my deposit back. The deposit has been refunded, so all is well. The car had some stains on the interior that we didn't notice since one of the rear seats was flipped down when picked up. We successfully cleaned the spots once we arrived at our hotel (seemed like gum and maybe white powder or deodorant), so we wouldn't have to worry about getting charged for stains that weren't ours. We liked the vehicle and getting to pick from a row of cars: we chose the Mitsubishi Outlander mostly due to its small size, light exterior color (silver), low mileage on odometer, and good MPG.
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Good rental car experience for quick tour of the California coast